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AGM Reminder - This Sunday 30 June at 4:00 pm. Read the Chairman's report HERE!

Updated: 4 days ago

Any mention of our esteemed Chairman is all the excuse we need to republish one of the greatest photographs taken at Haslemere Hall. Ladies and Gentleman, we proudly present the inimitable Jude Perrett seen here wowing the audience with her electrifying performance in Nell Gwynn. Ah, sweet memories!

This year's AGM will be in the Annexe at Haslemere Hall at 4:00 pm followed by afternoon tea. All welcome. And now for the Chairman's Report. Enjoy.

"Another great year for the Thespians.  We’ve had four productions during this year all of which have been a real success.


The first production was “Around the World in 80 Days”, directed by Ruth Ahmed.  The rehearsal process was collaborative which was different for many of us, but it was a experience that we embraced and the audiences loved the show and it sold really well.  We welcomed some new members and welcomed back members that we hadn’t seen for a while.  Phileas Fogg, himself, was a “tour de force” for Richard Weller, an old friend of the Society.


The summer saw the return of the “Next Generation” the Society’s youth section.  Sally Waghorn was the mastermind for this production which was performed at the Royal School, Farnham Lane.  They kindly sponsored us by providing the venue and rehearsal space for free, which was amazing. The music was composed by our very own Chris Snelling, which totally enhanced the production.  James and the Giant Peach attracted some children we already knew from Pantomime and many new ones.  It was an imaginative set and fabulous costumes – all supported by the Society’s backstage folk.  The show was an immense success and we have found some truly talented young people who have gone on to perform with adult groups since.


Our October play, “Hayfever”, directed by David Greenwood, once again welcomed some new members as well as some returnees!  Noel Coward’s plays never seem dated despite being of a certain era.  Audiences came in their numbers and thoroughly enjoyed it.  This was David’s directorial debut for us and hopefully there will be more in the future.  It was a happy show and his cast will be back for more.


Meanwhile David is organising regular play readings – as a social occasion, with ulterior motives of trying out plays we may consider for the future and luring in actors from the area who perform with other societies, who now may consider joining us in the future.


Hayfever no sooner put to bed than rehearsals were underway for the Pantomime for January 2024 “Once Upon A Time”, directed by Hazel Hawkswell, MD Chris Snelling producer Helen Coyte and choreographer Vicki Williams. A move away from traditional pantomimes this “what happens after happily ever after“ original story was another sellout and the committee is now considering an extra matinee performance for next year.


We had our usual wonderful cast – many familiar faces all welcomed back by our regular audiences.  We had a great junior chorus – many back after “James and the Giant Peach”, and it was lovely to welcome previous Next Generation actors now taking principal roles in the Panto, as adults.


We are so lucky to have such a loyal membership, and that includes all those who work tirelessly behind the scenes.  The inspiration behind the sets, those who make and paint the scenery, who organise “Front of House”, publicity etc.


And lastly a huge “Thank you” to the wonderful committee – who beaver away and do so many varied and endless jobs throughout the year.  They never get the applause and if the budget is tight, not even a Thank You bottle of wine at the After Show Party.  Without them the Society would crumble and Haslemere would be the poorer for lack of our shows!"

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